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When Is It Time to Shut Down Your Business?

A business is a great way to have a good income while being your own boss. The beginning of a business is the toughest part for anyone. Once it is up and running, however, it is much easier to reap its benefits. If there are any problems prevent you from earning the income you need,then you might have to shut down the business. This is even tougher since shutting it down will certainly hurt your pride. A business is, after all, an extension of yourself, your work ethic, and your vision. A good business person, however,knows when it’s time to shut down their business to avoid further losses. The following reasons will give you an idea when it’s time to end your business.


You Are Not Meeting Your Expected Annual Revenue

Meeting your annual revenue goal is a major part of the business. If you’re not meeting your goals, your company is essentially running on a loss. This will reduce the money that you have invested, and you will have nothing left at the end if you continue on this path. If you apply for a loan in order to continue the business it will only put you in further in debt. If you’re not meeting your annual revenue goal consistently for a few years in a row, it is better to shut down your company.


Your Personal Health is Suffering

Sometimes in business, you may reach a point where the stress beings to severely affect your health. When this happens, best option is to worry about your health and shut your business down.


You Care Too Much About the Product and Not Enough About the Consumer

Customers arethe life-blood of any business. Customers will only come if the business issues products that they want, not the product you want. If you are only providing customers with a product that you like, you will end up not only driving away all your customers but also all of your profits.


Loss of Talent

Employees are the heart of a company. When employees start leaving, it’s an indication that something is wrong with the company. Youneed to ask yourself “is it time to quit?” The employees are often the ones who have the best idea about where the business is heading, so when they start leaving, it is an indication that it is either time to quit or to take a different path.


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